Twitter Reverses Algorithmically-Generated Tabbed Feed Rollout, Brings Back Original Format

Twitter Tabbed Timeline Pull back

If you’ve noticed that the Home feed on the iOS version of Twitter is suddenly showcasing tweets from accounts you’ve not followed before, that’s because the platform recently rolled out an update that now lets it display algorithmically-generated content by default. This prioritises on showing you trending or “relevant” tweets, although there is an option that allows you to revert back to the original format by switching between the newly introduced Home and Latest tabs on the top of the screen.

As most would expect, the change was not well received. This is especially given the fact that a good number of users have been relying on Twitter to keep up with the latest happenings either from friends or news sources. However, the new algorithmically-generated feed somewhat meddles with this by filling up your timeline with tweets that have been automatically picked based on the topics or users that you follow on the platform. And yes, that includes tweets from accounts that you’re not even following.

While Twitter does provide the option to switch between the algorithmically-generated “Home” and the original reverse-chronological “Latest” feeds, users have complained that the feature would revert back to the former every time they reopen the app. At the same time, they also expressed their dislike over the new format due to the unnecessary clutter in their timelines.

This resulted in Twitter pulling back the new tabbed timeline on iOS, as well as reversing its initial decision to roll out the feature on Android and web. “We heard you –– some of you always want to see latest Tweets first,” the platform tweeted. “We’ve switched the timeline back and removed the tabbed experience for now while we explore other options.”

Twitter Tabbed Timeline Pull back

Even without the tabbed feature, there is a chance that you may still see the algorithmically-generated tweets appearing on your feed on both mobile and web versions of Twitter. To remedy this, simply tap the “stars” icon on the upper right corner of the screen and then select “switch to latest Tweets” to bring back the original feed format.

(Source: Twitter [1] [2])

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